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In Canada, geoscience is a regulated profession. To practice, a geoscientist must register as a P.Geo. and get a licence from the regulatory body – professional association – in each province or territory in which they practice. Geoscientists Canada is the national organization of the regulatory bodies that govern Canada’s more than 9,500 Professional Geoscientists (P.Geo.’s) and more than 2,000 Geoscientists-in-training.


Excellence in Geoscience professionalism in Canada.


In support of the Constituent Associations, to improve the effectiveness of regulation in Canada to achieve excellence in the geoscience profession.

Who We Are

Canada’s geoscience professionals are governed by the provinces and territories in which they work. Today, 10 regulatory bodies register and regulate the professional practice of more than 10,500 Professional Geoscientists, 1,200 other geoscience licencees and another 2,400 Geoscientists-in-Training. Recognizing the need for a national alliance for the profession, in 1996, these regulatory bodies formed Geoscientists Canada to coordinate activities and to represent the profession at a national and international level.

Geoscientists Canada is funded by 10 regulatory bodies and run by a Board of Directors that includes three elected officers.  One Director is appointed by each regulatory body to represent that province or territory. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing policy and setting the strategic direction of Geoscientists Canada; an Executive Committee ensures the Board’s directives are fulfilled. Day-to-day operations and all implementation activities are led by Geoscientists Canada’s CEO. Learn more about the team here and about Geoscientists Canada’s objectives here.

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What We Do

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Geoscientists Canada exists to serve the profession of geoscience in Canada. The organization works on behalf of its members regulatory bodies that register geoscientists and regulate their practice in Canada’s provinces and territories.

It facilitates and coordinates national projects designed to enhance protection of the public and safeguard public interests as related to geoscience practice.

Some of Geoscientists Canada’s work includes improving standards of geoscience practice, fostering consistent admissions decisions and setting competency requirements, and enhancing national and international mobility for Canada’s professional geoscientists.

Examples of the outcomes of completed national initiatives, which received the support of Canada’s federal government, include:

  1. Geoscience Knowledge and Experience Requirements for Professional Registration In Canada
  2. Framework for the Development of Geoscience Professional Practice Guidelines
  3. Framework for Assessment in the Licensing of Professional Geoscientists in Canada
  4. Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry to Practice
  5. GIT Program Information Guide

Internationally, Geoscientists Canada liaises with national organizations for the profession of geoscience in other countries.  It also participates actively in international initiatives concerning professional affairs in geoscience. In 2012 Canada hosted the 4th International Professional Geology Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

Our Members

Geoscientists Canada’s members are the provincial and territorial geoscience practice regulators that govern Canada’s professional geoscientists and geoscientists-in-training.


Click on the map or a member's name for member information.

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia

Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan

Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba

Professional Geoscientists Ontario

Ordre des Géologues du Québec

Engineers and Geoscientists New Brunswick

Geoscientists Nova Scotia

Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador

Our Team

Executive Committee

Matt Alexander, P.Geo., FGC
President Elect

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Doug Bell, P.Geo., FGC
Past President

Kristen Darr, P.Geo., FGC

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Chief Executive Officer

Support Staff

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Executive Assistant to CEO

Board of Directors

Darcie Greggs, P.Geol.,FGC
Calgary, AB

Darcie holds a B.Sc. Hons. Biology from Queen’s University, an M.Sc. and Ph.D. both in Geology from The University of Calgary.  Her research interests focus on the effects and application of reactivating basement tectonics on the overlying sedimentary rock cover, and the deformation features (natural fractures, seismites, anomalous mineralization) resulting from that reactivation.

Her geological career has covered everything from conventional oil and gas to oil sands and Alberta Deep Basin tight gas, even gold and gravel. She has recently retired from the position of Chief Geologist at Husky Energy, where she worked in various positions from 2010-2021.  Prior to Husky she was at Shell (2006-2010) working on their Deep Basin tight gas play; this was preceded by positions with Canada-Cities Service and Robertson Research. Darcie also has considerable teaching experience: she taught Geology at the undergraduate, graduate and Continuing Education levels, as well as in-house courses for Shell and Husky.

Darcie has volunteered extensively for both APEGA and CSPG including serving on APEGGA Council 2003-2006 and as co-chair of the CSPG Structure Division for about 10 years.  She is a past-Chair of the Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation and a member of the CSPG and APEGA.

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Director-British Columbia

Antigone Dixon-Warren, P.Geo., FGC

Burnaby, BC

Antigone has more than 20 years experience of managing people and projects.  She currently works at BC Hydro overseeing a diverse team of professionals who manage transmission, distribution, and substation projects.  Prior to BC Hydro, she spent fifteen years delivering infrastructure and research projects for various municipal, state, and provincial governments.  She has a Bachelor of Science in Geography, a Master of Science in Earth Sciences, Certificate in Advanced Project Management, and a Citation in Contract Law. She is a Professional Geoscientist, a Project Management Professional and is a Fellow with Geoscientists Canada. Antigone is a long term volunteer with Engineers and Geoscientists BC and past roles include Chair of the Geoscience Committee and a Councillor.  In her spare time, Antigone likes to do yoga, ride her bike, and travel to new places.   She and her partner, Patrick, live in New Westminster. 

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Doug Bell, P.Geo.,
Winnipeg, MB

Doug is Professional Geoscientist and a Fellow with Geoscientists Canada.  He is a Partner with Dillon Consulting and has over 30 years of geological, environmental and hydrogeological experience across western Canada and in the North. 

He has extensive experience with the development and implementation of environmental management plans including monitoring and remediation activities, emergency spill response and liaison with regulatory agencies. His experience with hydrogeological investigations involving surface water and groundwater interactions completed in a wide range of settings such as landfills, mining sites, petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites, industrial manufacturing sites and military sites. Doug also has specialized expertise in the management and optimization of long-term monitoring programs and the development of contingency and closure plans for facilities.

In addition to his consulting experience, Doug has been a Councillor with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba and was formerly an Environmental Officer with Manitoba Conservation. In this role, he was involved in technical review committees for environmental licencing projects and waste management initiatives, plus providing technical input to various aquifer management boards.  Doug was also a representative on the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Committee for Canada Wide Standards.

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Matt Alexander, P.Geo., FGC
Saint John, NB

Matt is a Senior Environmental Scientist/Hydrogeologist and partner with Fundy Engineering & Consulting Ltd. in Saint John, New Brunswick.  His areas of professional expertise include environmental impact assessments, groundwater/surface water interaction, environmental permitting, monitoring, and compliance, and environmental sustainability.  Matt holds a Diploma in Environmental Engineering Technology (Hons) from Sault College, B.Sc. (Hons) in Interdisciplinary Studies in Aquatic Resources and Geology from St. Francis Xavier University, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Hydrogeology) from the University of New Brunswick.  He is a Professional Geoscientist, a Geoscience Canada Fellow, an Environmental Professional, and serves as the New Brunswick Director for Geoscientists Canada. 

Matt has been actively involved in the Association of Professional Geoscientists of New Brunswick (APEGNB) having served as the Geoscience Representative from 2013 to 2021 and Co-Program Chair for the Fredericton Branch from 2003 to 2005.  He is actively involved in his community of Rothesay where he has been the Deputy Mayor since 2016 and having been first elected in 2012.  Matt serves on several boards and committees including the Miramichi Salmon Association, the Rothesay Works and Utilities Committee, and the Kennebecasis Regional Joint Board of Police Commissioners.  He is also a peer-reviewer for the Journal of Hydrology.

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Director-Newfoundland & Labrador

Carolyn Anstey-Moore, P.Geo.
St. John's, NL

Carolyn has over 25 years of combined experience in consulting environmental and general geoscience practice.  She earned a B.Sc. (Hons) in geology at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador (MUN), and also holds a M.Sc. in geology from the University of Toronto, as well as a M.A.Sc. in Environmental Engineering and Applied Science from MUN.  She has approximately ten years professional experience as a geologist in the mining industry and government prior to entering her consulting practice.  She is currently employed with GEMTEC Consulting Engineers and Scientists Ltd. as a senior environmental geoscientist based out of the St. John’s, NL office.  Carolyn previously served on the Canadian Geoscience Standards Council from 2017 to 2019.  She currently serves as PEGNL’s director to Geoscientists Canada. 

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Director-Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Dinah Elliott, P.Geo.
Yellowknife, NT

Dinah Elliott, P.Geo. is the Manager of Lands and Resources with Policy, Planning, Communications and Analysis at the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. Prior to joining the GNWT in 2020, Dinah worked in the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada’s Northwest Territories Regional Office in the areas of Land Management and Contaminated sites. Prior to her work in government, Dinah was a consulting hydrogeologist for seven years where she gained progressive experience across many industries including mining, contaminated sites, drinking water supply and landfills. Dinah has a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Sciences with a hydrogeology specialization and was winner of the 2019 Northwest Territories and Nunavut Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (NAPEG) Young Achievers Award.

Dinah has been a council member with NAPEG since 2020, with a brief stint as the interim 2nd Vice President. Dinah is a member of the NAPEG Professional Practice Committee and the Membership and Enforcement Committee.

In her spare time Dinah can be found spending time with her family or riding bikes.

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Director-Nova Scotia
Beverley Smith, P.Geo.,FGC
Halifax, NS

Beverley Smith is an Associate with Dillon Consulting Limited, where she has worked since 2002. Bev is a Hydrogeologist, who manages phased environmental site assessments, environmental compliance monitoring programs, potable water supply investigations, and drinking water vulnerability assessments and source protection studies. In 2020, Bev took on an operational management role where she was responsible for a 30+ member Environmental Services team and assisted with the transition of working from home during the pandemic.

Bev has been actively involved in the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Nova Scotia (APGNS) since becoming a member in 2007. She served on Council (2007-2008, 2013-2014 and 2017) and was Association President in 2009 and 2018. She continues to serve on various committees and is assisting with the revision of the Geoscience Profession Act, regulations and bylaws

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Christine Vaillancourt, P.Geo.,FGC

Christine holds a B.Sc. (Geological Engineering) and a M.Sc. (Earth Sciences) from Université du Québec at Chicoutimi. She is Chief Geologist for Northern Shield Resources Inc., a junior company specialized in grassroot exploration, particularly for Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposits and, more recently, for epithermal gold deposits in Atlantic Canada. Prior to joining Northern Shield, Ms. Vaillancourt worked with Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc., a professional geological consulting company. She also spent many years with the Ontario Geological Survey where she was involved in the bedrock mapping of Precambrian terrains, and the study and assessment of economic potential of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in Ontario. She has also worked on a number of Ni-Cu-(PGE) exploration projects with Inco Technical Services (now Vale). Christine has been involved with Professional Geoscientists Ontario (PGO) for many years and was President for the 2017-2018 term. She remains an active volunteer on several committees.

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Kristen Darr, P.Geo.,FGC
Regina, SK

Kristen is the Director, Environment & Sustainability with SaskEnergy in Regina, Saskatchewan.  In this leadership role, Kristen is responsible for the Corporation’s Environmental Management System, ensuring industry best practices are implemented into operational activities and regulatory compliance is achieved.  Prior to SaskEnergy, Kristen began her career in the consulting industry.  Primarily working in environmental and geotechnical areas, Kristen built a foundation of experience travelling throughout Northern Alberta and Saskatchewan conducting field work. This foundation allowed her to take on the responsibility of a variety of major projects as an Environmental Geoscientist and Project Manager later in her career.

Kristen is a professional geoscientist with a degree in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria.   Kristen is actively engaged with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS). She was a member of Council (2015-2018 and 2019-2023) and served as President for the 2021-2022 term. 

Kristen, husband Mike and their two daughters, Ember and Maisyn, enjoy spending time with family and friends, camping, downhill skiing and enjoying the outdoors. 

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Youssouf Ahmadou, géo

With over 5 years of experience in geology, Mr. Youssouf Ahmadou is currently a Senior Geologist responsible for regional exploration at Doré Copper Mining. He previously worked in mineral exploration for SOQUEM Inc. in 2017, conducted research for Metal Earth in 2018, and worked in deposit delineation for Troilus Gold Corp. in 2019. He also serves as a teacher at CEGEP de St-Félicien since 2019, teaching mineral exploration techniques to the next generation of geological technicians. Mr. Ahmadou holds three Master's degrees in geology and exploration obtained in France and Quebec. He is currently pursuing an MBA degree in applied management for the mining industry.

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Our History

In celebration of Geoscientists Canada’s 25th Anniversary since incorporation in 1996, a video documenting the history of the organisation and its pivotal moments has been created.

Dr. Gordon D. Williams

Dr. Gordon D. Williams, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.), DFGAC

May 22, 1933 – April 26, 2022

Dr. Gordon D. Williams – A founding pillar of professional geoscience in Canada. A consummate professional geoscientist, educator, mentor, leader, facilitator, friend, and twice president of Geoscientists Canada (formerly the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists), Dr. Williams led the quest for geoscience professional recognition across Canada while simultaneously educating generations of petroleum explorationists. For more information on Dr. Williams remarkable life, career, and quest for professional geoscience regulation in the public interest, click here.

Our Partners

Geoscientists Canada is actively engaged in many different communities that impact the practice of geoscience in Canada, through partnerships and alliances.  It engages with other regulated professions in Canada; with the regulated profession of geoscience in other countries; and with Canada’s geoscience community.

As a member and active participant in the Canadian Network of  Agencies for Regulation (CNAR) formerly known as CNNAR (Canadian Network of National Associations of Regulators, Geoscientists Canada keeps abreast of national developments impacting Canada’s regulated professions and the regulatory bodies that register and regulate practice.  It also participates, on behalf of the geoscience community, in national discussions impacting regulatory affairs for all of Canada’s professions.

Geoscientists Canada has relationships with organizations that regulate and govern geoscience practice in other countries. As geoscience becomes a more formally recognized professional globally, this international network continues to expand.  Today, Geoscientists Canada has co-operation agreements in place with professional geoscience organizations in eight other countries:

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Awards & Fellowships

To recognise outstanding professionalism in geoscience, Geoscientists Canada bestows the Canadian Professional Geoscientists Award on an annual basis.  Each year it also honours those individuals who have contributed significantly to the profession, by the election of Fellows of Geoscientists Canada.

Canadian Professional Geoscientist Award

To recognise outstanding professionalism in geoscience, Geoscientists Canada bestows the Canadian Professional Geoscientists Award on an annual basis.

Canadian Professional Geoscientist Award Criteria

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Show all the Award Recipients 

Fellows of Geoscientists Canada

The Geoscientists Canada Fellowship honours individuals who have given noteworthy service to the geoscience profession. Each year it honours those individuals who have contributed significantly to the profession, by the election of Fellows of Geoscientists Canada.

Fellow of Geoscientists Canada – Criteria and Terms of Reference

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Year Nominator Name
2025 APEGA Keith Diakiw, P.Geo., FGC
2025 APEGA Mohamed El Daly, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 APEGNB Holly Young, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Ann Kulmatycki, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Brian F. George, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Delia A. Chesworth, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Ed Hoeve, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Gregory G. Haist, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG John A. Clark, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Justin W. Hazenberg, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Kevin C. McLeod, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Kevin L.W. Hodgins, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Melanie E. Williams, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Pamela D. Strand, P.Geo., FGC
2025 NAPEG Robert H. Boon, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2025 NAPEG Sudhir Kumar Jha, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2024 APEGA Gisela Hippolt-Squair, FGC (Hon.)
2024 APEGA Tracey Stock, P.Eng. , FGC (Hon.)
2024 APEGNB Christy Cunningham, P.Geo., FGC
2024 APEGS Debbie A. Shewfelt, P.Geo., FGC
2024 APGNS Scott Conrod, P. Geo., FGC
2024 EGBC Ali Hassanalizadeh, P.Geo., FGC
2024 EGBC David Michael Melville, P.Geo., FGC
2024 EGBC Fred Hanley, FGC (Hon.)
2024 EGBC Kayla Vantriet, FGC (Hon.)
2024 EGBC Kelly Jon Dayman, FGC (Hon.)
2024 EGBC Lina Bowser, FGC (Hon.)
2024 EGBC Lindsay Steele, P.Geo., FGC
2024 EGBC Mark Adams, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2024 EGBC Michelle Cheng, FGC (Hon.)
2024 PEGNL Geoff Emberley, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2024 PEGNL Janet Bradshaw, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2024 PEGNL Steve McLean, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2024 PGO Imshun Je, P.Geo., FGC
2024 PGO James Whyte, P.Geo., FGC
2024 PGO Reno Pressacco, P.Geo., FGC
2023 APEGA Annette Milbradt, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGA Astrid Arts, P. Geol., FGC
2023 APEGA Jason Vanderzwaag, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGA Jessica Vandenberghe, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGA Jon Noad, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGA Mandy Williams, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGA Mark Mallamo, P. Geol., FGC
2023 APEGA Paige Mamer, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGA Peter Chan, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGA Rachel Newrick, P.Geoph., P.Geol., FGC
2023 APEGA Samer Adeeb, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGNB Dallas Davis, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGNB Michelle Paul-Elias, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APEGNB Toon Pronk, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGS Gavin K.S. Jensen, P. Geo., FGC
2023 APEGS John W. Desjarlais, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 APGNS Robert W. Cuthbert, P. Geo., FGC
2023 EGBC Carol Park, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2023 EGBC Jeff Wilson, P.Geo., FGC
2023 EGBC Paul Belda Azarcon, P.Geo., FGC
2023 EGBC Todd Richard Wikjord, P.Geo., FGC
2023 EGM James D. Bamburak, P.Geo., FGC
2023 Geoscientists C Yuri Kinakin, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PEGNL Jacques Y. Guigné, P. Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Beata Zielinska Golas, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Eric William Hodgins, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Melanie Siewert, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Michael Robert Fairbanks, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Peter Andrew Gray, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Richard Edward Gerber, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Roger Michael Woeller, P.Geo., FGC
2023 PGO Roger Thomas James Phillips, P.Geo., FGC
2022 APEGA Alan Newcombe, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Alicia Bjarnason, P. Geol., FGC
2022 APEGA Claudia Villeneuve, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA George Anderson, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA John Doucette, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Jonathan Assels, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Paul Ryzuk, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Ralph Hildenbrandt, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Sameer Adeeb, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Sandeep Gupta, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Spencer Torrie, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Tom Johnston, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGA Zoltan Koles, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGNB Don Fox, P.Geo., FGC
2022 APEGNB Stamatia Baker, FGC (Hon.)
2022 APEGS Dirk H. de Boer, P.Geo., FGC
2022 APEGS Kristen J. Darr, P. Geo., FGC
2022 APEGS Ronald W. Avery, P.Geo., FGC
2022 APGNS Daniel Parker, P. Geo.
2022 EGBC Bryan Daniel Brassington, P.Geo.
2022 EGBC David Massy Nelles, P. Geo.
2022 EGBC Deesh Olychick, FGC (Hon.)
2022 EGBC Donald Gamble, FGC (Hon.)
2022 EGBC Jennifer Cho, FGC (Hon.)
2022 EGBC Larry Spence, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2022 EGBC Megan Archibald, FGC (Hon.)
2022 PEGNL Paul Jeffrey Moore, P.Geo., FGC
2022 PGO Aftab Ahmed Khan, P.Geo., FGC
2022 PGO James R. Evans, P.Geo., FGC
2022 PGO Mary‐Anne Frances Hildebrandt, P. Geo., FGC
2022 PGO Nataliya Tkach, P. Geo., FGC
2022 PGO Paul Connor, FGC (Hon.)
2022 PGO Ruth Debicki, P.Geo., FGC
2022 PGO William John McGuinty, P. Geo., FGC
2021 APEGA Adria Coombs, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Ali Ostad-Aghaei, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Amy Wisniewski, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Bruce Thorne, FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Dean Mullin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Frank Cavaliere, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Jim McCuaig, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Kari Anderson. P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Maria Estela Zavala Mata, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGA Michael Cholach, P.Geo., FGC
2021 APEGA Roya Iranitalab, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGNB Dominique Bérubé, P.Geo.
2021 APEGNB Matthew Alexander, P.Geo.
2021 APEGS Cory L. Belyk, P.Geo., FGC
2021 APEGS Drew R. Lockwood P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)
2021 APEGS Erin Arlene Moss Tressel P.Eng., P.Geo., FEC, FGC
2021 APGNS Colin Walker, P.Geo., FGC
2021 APGNS Kimberlea Green, P.Geo., FGC
2021 APGNS Robert D. (Bob) Stewart, P.Geo., FGC
2021 APGNS Tara Carr, FGC (Hon.)
2021 EGBC Anne Thompson, P.Geo., FGC
2021 EGBC Antigone Beth Dixon-Warren, P.Geo., FGC
2021 EGBC Carolyn ('Lyn) Anglin, P.Geo., FGC
2021 EGBC Dan Marshall, FGC (Hon.)
2021 EGBC Douglas Geller, P.Geo., FGC
2021 EGBC John Thompson, P.Geo., FGC
2021 EGBC Julie Loughlin Orban, P.Geo, FGC
2021 EGBC Lianna Mah, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 EGBC Mahmoud Mahmoud, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 EngGeoMB Jason D. Mann, P.Geo., FGC
2021 Geoscientists C Ann English, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2021 PEGNL H. Scott Schillereff, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PEGNL Dr. James Wright, P. Geo.
2021 PGO Craig Waldie, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Donald Ford, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Paul Hubley, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Ross Graham Hodgins, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Simon John Gautrey, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Steve Holysh, P.Geo., FGC
2021 PGO Tammy Middleton, P.Geo, FGC
2020 APEGA Ahmed Ali, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Cameron Sterling, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Charles Welsh, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APEGA John Byron, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Malcolm Edirisinghe, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Margaret Allan, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2020 APEGA Mark Ewanishin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Matt Grobe, P.Geo., PhD, FGC
2020 APEGA Paul Kavanagh, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APEGA Ron Mah, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Roy Sudipto, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Samuel Proskin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Saumya Barua, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGA Tapas Das, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2020 APEGNB James Andrew Walker P.Geo.
2020 APEGS Terrance A. Fonstad, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)
2020 APGNS Bridget Adams, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APGNS Gavin Isenor, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APGNS Richard Gagne, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APGO Ron Ormson, P.Geo., FGC
2020 APGO Zen Keizars, P.Geo., FGC
2020 NAPEG Barbara Fortin, P.Geo., FGC
2020 PEGNL Lorne Boone, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2019 APEGNB Vernon J. Banks, P.Geo., FGC
2019 APEGS Gary D. Delaney, P.Geo., FGC
2019 APEGS Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2019 APGO Anthony Richard Lotimer, P.Geo., FGC
2019 APGO Christine Vaillancourt, P.Geo., FGC
2019 APGO Doug Cater, P.Geo., FGC
2019 APGO Peter Diorio, P.Geo., FGC
2019 EGBC Caroline Janet Elizabeth Andrewes, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2019 EGBC Edward (Ted) James Hickin, P.Geo., FGC
2019 EGBC Frederick Henry Shrimer, P.Geo., FGC
2019 EGBC Jennifer Cho, FGC (Hon.)
2019 EGBC Katherina Veronica Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2019 EGBC Shiloh Marie Carlson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2019 EGBC Stuart Ross Rettie, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2019 EngGeoMB Danielle M.C. Huminicki, P.Geo., FGC
2018 APEGA Bob Rundle, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Brian James Morrison, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Don Raboud, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Douglas Allen Buchanan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Frances J. Hein, P.Geo., FGC
2018 APEGA Genesh Chariyil, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Hasan S. Rizvi, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Jay Nagendran, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Jennifer Enns, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Keng Chung, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Maria Estela Zavala Mata, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Mike Neth, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA RaeAnne Leach, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Stanley John Zwierzchowski, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Steve Huber, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGA Todd Simenson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGNB Kate Sisk, FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGNB Michael Parkhill, P.Geo., FGC
2018 APEGS Ernest M. Barber, P.Ag., P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 APEGS Wendy Paddock, FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.)
2018 APGNS Belinda Culgin, P.Geo., FGC
2018 APGNS Jordan Moores, P.Geo., FGC
2018 APGNS Peter Webster, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC Bryan Daniel Brassington, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC David Maurice Jenkins, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC Delbert Wells Ferguson, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC Paul Gann, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC Robert Paul Stewart, P.Geo., FGC
2018 EGBC Shelley Lucille Higman. P.Geo., FGC
2018 NAPEG Gary Strong, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2018 PEGNL Dr. Stephen J. Piercey, P. Geo., FGC
2017 APEGA Alex Kanevski, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Clay Bos, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA David Westwick, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Jey Jeyakumar, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Kapal Sharma, P.L.(Eng.), FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Marcella deJong, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Peter Burns, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Ram Chadha, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGA Trevor Loomer, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGBC Alexander David Kenneth Burton, P.Geo., FGC
2017 APEGM Dr. Digvir S. Jayas, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGNB Annie Dietrich, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2017 APEGS David A. Rezansoff, P.Geo., FGC
2017 APEGS Heinrich F. Feldkamp, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APEGS Ralph E. Brock, Geoscience Licensee, FGC
2017 APEGS Tara L. Zrymiak, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2017 APGNS Brent Cox, P.Geo., FGC
2017 APGNS Jennifer McDonald, P.Geo., FGC
2017 Geoscientists C Rakesh Kumar, FGC (Hon.)
2017 NAPEG Deborah Richard, FGC (Hon.)
2017 NAPEG Michael Power, P.Geo., FGC
2017 PEGNL Dr. John M. Hanchar, P. Geo., FGC
2017 PEGNL Jeffrey L. O'Keefe, P. Geo., P. Eng., FGC
2016 APEGA Aldous Walters, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Allen Adams, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Andrea Brack, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Bob Watson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Brian Marcotte, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Christopher Goulard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Clark Laing, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Colette Bielech, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Craig McFarland, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Diego Carducci, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Dino Kruger, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Duncan Cook, P.L.(Eng.) , FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Dustin Wiltermuth, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Frank George, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Fred Apon, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APEGA John Ogilvy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Keith Wilson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Leo Flaman, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Mike Ricketts, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Morris Sych, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Prasad Valupadas, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Roghoyeh Salmeh, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Ron Wong, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Sadiq Pirani, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Sanil Sivarajan, P.Geo.,FGC
2016 APEGA Shirley Layne, FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Steve E. Hrudey, P.Eng.,FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Tanvir Sadiq, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Terri Steeves, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Terry Brooker, P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Vivianne Mansour, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGA Wayne Kosik, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGBC Brendan Gregory Nicholas Miller, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APEGBC Julie Loughlin Orban, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APEGBC Michael Christopher Wrinch, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGNB Arie A. Ruitenberg, P. Geo., FGC
2016 APEGNB David R. Lentz, P. Geo., FGC
2016 APEGNB Randall F. Miller, P. Geo., FGC
2016 APEGS Andrew H. Loken, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGS Chris Wimmer, P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2016 APEGS John D. Unrau, P. Geo., FGC
2016 APEGS Margaret Anne E. Hodges, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APGNS Paul Batson, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APGO Donald B. Johnston, FGC (Hon.)
2016 APGO Dorene Weston, FGC (Hon.)
2016 APGO Dr. Ken Howard, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APGO Dr. Nic Eyles, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APGO Dr. Richard E. Jackson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2016 APGO Mark Priddle, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APGO Milan Situm, P.Geo., FGC
2016 APGO Robert Gordon, FGC (Hon.)
2016 NAPEG Doug Irwin, P.Geo., FGC
2016 PEGNL Randall T. Gillespie, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGA Barry Laviolette, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Bernd Manz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA David Evans, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGA Frank George, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Ivan Fair, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Jeff Simms, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA John Hewitt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA John Ogilvy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Keith McCandlish, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGA Kevin Saretsky, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Mary Cowling, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Melvin Hess, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APEGA Wanda Goulden, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGS Devin D. Mutschler, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGS Dr. Janis E. Dale, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APEGS Dwayne A. Gelowitz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2015 APGNS Diane Webber, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APGNS Scott McCarthy, P.Geo., FGC
2015 APGO David Hunt , P.Geo., FGC
2015 Geoscientists C David Cane, FGC (Hon.)
2015 Geoscientists C Keith Johnson, FGC (Hon.)
2015 Geoscientists C Paul Rennick, P.Geo., FGC
2015 NAPEG David Nickerson, P.Eng. , FGC (Hon.)
2015 PEGNL Rodney A. Churchill, P. Geo., FGC
2014 APEGA Andrew Kryzan, P. Geoph., FGC
2014 APEGA Bong Estoque, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Brad Hayes, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGA Brad Smid, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Calvin Koskowich, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Chris Ketchum, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dan Lawrysyn, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dave Lario, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA David Rohachuk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Don Currie, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Donald Morse, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dr. Arin Sen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dr. Doug Dale, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dr. Josephine Hill, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dr. Monica Varga, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Dr. Vincent Chiew, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Gary Loblick, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Gordon Babey, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Ivan Kurbatfinski, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA James V.L. Dixon, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA John Hogg, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGA Laura Lunt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Lawrence Rodnunsky, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Leah Lawrence, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Marty Klaassen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Norman Webster, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Pat Lobregt, FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Paul Ruffell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Perry Kotkas, P.Geoph., FGC
2014 APEGA Richard Girard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Rick Prentice, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Ron Chomyc, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Russel Renneberg, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGA Tina Hoops, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGBC Dr. Diana Margaret Allen, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGBC Dr. Edward James Hickin, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGBC Michael Bruce Bapty, P.Eng.,FEC, FGC(Hon)
2014 APEGM Alan Bailes, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Daniel Ziehlke, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Douglas Bell, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Ganpat Lodha, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Graham Young, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Ian Ferguson, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Karen Costello, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 APEGM Karen Mathers, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Kelly Gilmore, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Michelle Nicolas, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Pamela Fulton-Regula, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Raymond Reichelt, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Richard Lemoine, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGM Robert Matthews, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGS Gary M. Yeo, P.Geo., FEC (Hon.), FGC
2014 APEGS John G. Pearson, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGS Kate MacLachlan, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APEGS Richard A. Forbes, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)
2014 APGNS Jeffery J. Parks, P.Geo., FGC
2014 APGO Andrew Cheatle
2014 Geoscientists C Greg Vogelsang, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2014 NAPEG D. Grenville Thomas, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 NAPEG David D. Watson, P.Geo., FGC
2014 NAPEG Heather E. Hayne, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 NAPEG J. Lloyd Henderson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 NAPEG Linda L. Golding, FGC (Hon.)
2014 NAPEG Peter E. Bengts, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 NAPEG Peter H. Thompson, P.Geo., FGC
2014 NAPEG Terrence A. Brookes, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2014 PEGNL Dr. Derek Wilton, P. Geo., FGC
2014 PEGNL Ian Atkinson, P.Geo., FGC
2014 PEGNL Ken Andrews, P. Geo., FGC
2014 PEGNL Phonse Fagan , P. Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA A Rae Campbell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Abu Sesay, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Akira Nawata, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Al King, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Al Schuld, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Alan Blackie, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Alexander MacDonald, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Alfred (Al) Schulz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Alice Payne, P.Geol., FGC)
2013 APEGA Allan Kiernan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Allan Yamashita, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Allen Krahn, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Anast Demitt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Andrew Gilliland, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Andrew Poole, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Anil Gupta, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Anil Mehrotra, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Arun Mishra, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ashok Sehgal, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Barbara Howes,P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Barry Colledge, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ben Rostron, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Bill Roggensack, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Bill Teskey, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Bob Comer, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Bonnie Stowkowy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Brenda Corbett, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Brenda Wright, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Brian Kennedy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Brian Somerville, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Bruce Alexander, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Champaklal Mistry, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Charles Halls, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Charles Robert Arthur, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Charles Stelck, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Christopher James, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Chrysant Dmytruk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Clarence Capjack, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Colin Yeo, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Connie Parenteau, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Dale Miller, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Dan McGuigan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Dan Ropchan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Daniel Motyka, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Daniel Shannon, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Danilo Candido, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Darcie Greggs, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Darrel Danyluk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Austen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Bardwell, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA David Bowman, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Chalcroft, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Devenny, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA David Elliott, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA David Irving, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Lynch, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Robinson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Rumbold, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA David Todd, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Deborah Spratt, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Dennis Brooks, P.Geoph., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGA Dennis Langen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Desmond Fernando, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Diana Purdy, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Dick Walters, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Don Peel, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Donald Bellow, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Donald Fielder, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Donald Lawton, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Donald Peterson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Donald Thurston, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Douglas Andrews, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Douglas Cox, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Douglas Jamieson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Douglas Macdonald, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Douglas Schmitt, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Eddie Young, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Edward (Ned) Gilbert, P.Eng., P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Edward Kozinski, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Edward Krebes, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Edward Lord, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Edwin Nowicki, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Elaine Honsberger, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Elisabeth Dupuis, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Elizabeth Burwash, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Elmer Berlie, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Erik Jacobsen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Fred Otto, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Frederick Harvey, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Frederick Marlett, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA G. Gordon Stewart, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gary Faulkner, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA George Eynon, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA George Govier, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA George Lee, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA George Paicu, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gerald Carson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gerald DeSorcy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gerald Maier, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gerard Klotz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gerry Langille, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Ghazi Karim, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ginger Rogers, P.Geo. FGC
2013 APEGA Gordon Smith, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Gordon Williams, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA H. Neil Windsor, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Hans Den Boer, P.Geol., P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Harry Dowhan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Harry Helwerda, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Heidi Yang, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Heinz Feldberg, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Henry Bosman, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Henry de Paiva, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Horace Ottley, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Hugh Krentz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Hugh Powell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Hugh Skinner, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ian McIlreath, P. Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA Ishvarlal Thaleshvar, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jacob Oommachan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA James Doohan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA James E. (Jim) Smith, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA James Gilliland, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA James Hume, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA James Strong, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jane Tink, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jay Huson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jeremy Leonard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jim Beckett, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jim Henderson, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Jim Montgomery, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jim Sawchuk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Jim Seale, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA JoAnne Volk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Joel Regenstreif, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Boyd, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA John Bulmer, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Cox, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA John Kramers, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA John McDougall, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John McLeod, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Nicoll, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Nychka, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Pastega, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Peirce. P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGA John Penrose, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Strong, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Van der Put, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Williams, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA John Wood, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Joseph Amalraj, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Joseph Kostler, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Judith Newbert, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Julie Aitken, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Karen Henry, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kathleen Sendall, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ken Mah, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ken Porteous, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kenneth Domier, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kenneth Hawrelko, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kenneth Putt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kevin Moodie, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kim Farwell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Kim H. Ng, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Larry Staples, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Laura McCormack, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Laurence (Larry) Lines, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Laurie Slezak, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Len Shrimpton, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Leon Mah, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Leonard Bruton, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Linda Van Gastel, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Lisa Doig, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA M. Elizabeth CannonP.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Marc Sabourin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mark Bellamy, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mark Tokarik, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mary Ann Byrd, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Maureen Rangitoheriri, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Michael Collins, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Michael Day, P.Geo., (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Michael Lawal, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Michael Rosseker, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Michael Sneath, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mike Koziol, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mike Smyth, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Milt Petruk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Milton Ozubko, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Mitchel Azmier, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nancy Toth, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nanette Ho-Covernton, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nathaniel Rutter, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Neil O'Donnell, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Neill McQuay, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nick Malychuk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nick Trovato, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nigel Shrive, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Nina Novak, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Noel Cleland, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Norbert Bohnert, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Norman Orr, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Norman Reid, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Om Malik, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA P. David Geake, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Pamela Strand, P>geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Patrick Wu, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Paul Cavanagh, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Paul Elliott, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Paul Hagar, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Paul Preville, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Paul Schnitzler, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Paula Harding, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Penny Colton, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Percy Butler, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Peter Doell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Peter Glockner, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Peter Savage, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Petrus (Peter) Stevens, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Philip Mulder, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Philippe Erdmer, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Prakash Mullick, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA R. Allin Folinsbee, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA R. Mark Lasby, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Raj Rajan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ralph Garrett, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ralph Hughes, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Rattan Garcha, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ray Barham, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ray Chopiuk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Reg Olson, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Reg Wood, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Richard (Rick) Schmaltz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Richard Granberg, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Richard Stein, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Rick Green, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Rick Young, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Robert (Bob) Savage, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Brennan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Faulder, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Hawrelak,P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Hunt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Loov, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Morison, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Rose, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Ross, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robert Swift, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Robin Black, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Roger Toogood, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ron Lawson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ronald Deeprose, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ronald Dalby, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ronald Gray, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ronald Tenove, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ross Plecash, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Roy Lindseth, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA S. Chan Wirasinghe, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Satinder Chopra, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Shawn Morrison, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Sheldon Dattenberger, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Shiraz Kanji, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Sloane Dieken, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Stanley Thomson, P.Geol, FGC
2013 APEGA Stephen Green, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Steve Fedyna, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Steve Hrynew, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Steven Westby, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Sue Evison, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA T. Dale Rokosh, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA T. Gerald Pyper, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Ted Webb, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Terry Cooper, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Terry Hood, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Thane Waldie, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Thomas Chambers, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Tibor Kaldor, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Timothy Cartmell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Tom Greenwood-Madsen, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Tom Sneddon, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Tony Howard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Upali Hippola, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Valerie Nielsen, P.Geoph., FGC
2013 APEGA Vern Fedor, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Verne Plitt, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Vic Saari, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Victor Benz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Victor Janz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA W. Barry Lester, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Wayne Gilraine, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA Wenona Irving, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA William Hall, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA William Hibbard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA William Lazenby, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGA William May, P.Geol., FGC
2013 APEGA Witold Pedrycz, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Alastair James Sinclair, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Allan Blain Good, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Anne Lydia Garrett, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Barry Warren Smee, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Brent Christopher Ward, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Brian Edward Abraham, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Bruce Thomson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Bruce William Downing, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Calvin Dean VanBuskirk, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Catherine Jean Hickson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Colin Earl Smith, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC David John Wilford, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Dennis Keith McJunkin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Derek Victor Doyle, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Douglas Finlay VanDine, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Edward Gerald Hauptmann, P. Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Felix Vitold Kaminski, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Francis William Denton, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Garry Wayne Stevenson, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Garth David Kirkham, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC George Ross Cavey, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Gillian Mary Pichler, P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Glen Allen Singleton, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Gordon Leonard Vincent Springate Sr., P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Gregory John Reid, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC James Gregory Moors, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC James Kenneth Robertson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Janet Louise Benjamin, P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Janet Sinclair, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Jeffrey Hans Holm, P.Eng. FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Jenna-Lee Nora Hardy, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Jennifer Ann Clarke, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC John Clague, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC John Ernest Bremner, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC John Francis Watson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC John Howard Perry, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC John Robert Stewart Murray, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC John Stephen Haythorne, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Jules Joseph Lajoie P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Kathleen Dianne Kompauer, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Kevin Patrick Turner, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Linda Elaine, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Lindsay Richard Bottomer, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Lionel Jackson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Mabo Robert Ito, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Mei Kuen (Margaret) Li, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Michael Isaacson, P.Eng., (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Michael Anthony Church, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Michael Charles Roberts, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Michael John Bovis, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Narayan Shankar Abhyankar, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Oldrich Hungr, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Oliver John Hans Bonham, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Patrick Michael McAndless, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Paul Dugald Blanchard, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Paul Kompauer, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Peter Christian Friz, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Peter Robertson Mitchell, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Philip William Sunderland, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Richard Allan Fletcher, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Richard Hugh Hancock, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Robert Allan Stevens, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Robert Clark Dickin, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Robert Earl Gray, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Robert Francis Gerath, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Robert George McCandless, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Robert Gordon Wilson, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGBC Robert Reginald Affleck, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Russell Hayward Kinghorn, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Stephen John Cook, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Thomas Gordon Schroeter, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGBC Timothy Mark Smith, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC Ward Elton Kilby, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGBC William Gilmartin, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGNB Andrew McLeod, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGNB Bruce Broster, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB Darryl Pupek, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB David Keys, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB F. Dwight Ball, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB Melissa Mertz, FGC, (Hon.)
2013 APEGNB Rachael Christanson, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGNB Reginald Wilson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB Steven McCutcheon, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGNB Tanya Horgan, P.Geo, P.Eng., FGC
2013 APEGNB Victor Nowicki, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Albert Munro, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Arthur L. Opseth, P.Eng., FGC(Hon.)
2013 APEGS Barbara Miller, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Barry Collins, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Clarence A. Reed, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Dan M. Hogan, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Dennis K. Paddock, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Dr. BryanT. Schreiner, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Dr. Donald M.J. Kent, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Dr. Kevin M. Ansdell, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Frances M. Haidl, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Jon A. Gillies, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Kenneth B. From, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Leon C. Botham, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Malcolm J. Reeves, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Margaret A. Kuzyk, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Peter F. Miller, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Peter J. Jackson, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Philip L. Reeves, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Rick B. Kullman, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Robert H. McDonald, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Sandra J. Foster, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Sharon Baldwin, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APEGS Shawna L. Argue, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.) .
2013 APEGS Stephen P. Halabura, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APEGS Tina C.O. Maid, P.Eng., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APGNS Andrew D. Cameron, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Beverley Smith, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Chrystal Kennedy, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Cliff Stanley, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS David C. Carter, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Fred Bonner, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Gavin Kennedy, MSc., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Gordon Check, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Heather J. Cross, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Howard V. Donohoe, Jr., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS James H. Fraser, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Mark King, Ph.D., P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Patrick J. C. Ryall, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Paul LaFleche, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Scott Llewellyn, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGNS Theresa A. Rushton, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Andrea Waldie, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Bill Stiebel, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Chris Hodgson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Deborah McCombe, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Dr. Arsalan Mohajer, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Dr. Bill Pearson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Dr. Greg Finn, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Dr. Neil Westoll, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Dr. Robert Hodder, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Gregg Zwiers, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Ian MacDonald, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO John Buckle, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO John Gartner, P.Geo., P.Eng., FGC
2013 APGO Ken Petersen, APGO Honrary Member, FGC (Hon.)
2013 APGO Kristin E. Hanson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Martin Taylor, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Maureen Jensen, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Michael J. Bourassa, LL.B., FGC (Hon.)
2013 APGO Ollie Bonham, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Robert Leech, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Scott McLean, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Stephen Wilson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Steve Usher, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Timothy Lotimer, P.Geo., FGC
2013 APGO Wayne Caston, P.Geo., FGC
2013 Geoscientists C A. Hamid Mumin, P.Geo., FGC
2013 Geoscientists C M. Timothy Corkery, P.Geo., FGC
2013 Geoscientists C March Boivin, géo., FGC é
2013 Geoscientists C Robert Mathews, P. Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG C. Arlene Laudrum, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Carolyn D. Relf, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG David J. Emery, P.Geol., FGC
2013 NAPEG Franz E. Dziuba, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Gary J. Vivian, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Hendrik Falck, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Jalil A. Mustafa, P.Eng., P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Jody K. Todd, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Joseph E. Heimbach, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Karen D. Costello, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Kathleen Hearn, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Louis Covello, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Michael P. Stubley, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG R. Brent Murphy, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Ralph H. Bullis, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Scott Cairns, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Thomas Hoefer, P.Geo., FGC
2013 NAPEG Timothy W. Canam, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Baxter Kean, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Dr. Arthur King, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Hugh G. Miller, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Jain Sinclai r, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Jeremy Hall, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL John Fleming, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL John Gale, P. Geo., P. Eng., FGC
2013 PEGNL Paul Dean, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Paul Johnson, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Peter Dimmell, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL R. Frank Blackwood, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Rex V. Gibbons, P.Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Steve Millan, P. Geo., FGC
2013 PEGNL Susan Scott, P. Geo., FGC







“In all the excitement of my work as a geoscientist, it’s too easy to overlook an exceedingly important aspect of being part of a self-regulating profession: my code of ethics requires me to conduct my work ‘in the public interest’”

- George Eynon, P.Geo.