Bruce Broster- Student in the field
Who We Are
Geoscientists Canada – AGM 2016 Calgary
What We do
Geoscientists Canada
Our Members
Map of Canada
Our Partners
Geoscientists Canada – Delegates at RFG 2018 Vancouver
The Profession
APEGA- Geo Lab
What is Geoscience
Hendrik Falck – Geological Samples
What P.Geo.’s do
Brent Ward – Seymour Valley - Students in the Field- January 2021
Careers in Geoscience
PGO-Ali Rasoul, P.Geo.
Related Organizations
Courtesy- Internet
Becoming a P.Geo.
Brent Ward – Seymour Valley- Students in the Field - January 2021
Brent Ward - Student in the Field
Becoming a GIT
Corporate License
APEGA – Sample Lab
Apply for P.Geo.
Trained Abroad
Janis Dale- Miette Outcrop Banff National Park
Practice in Canada
NRCAN - Western end of Grinnell Glacier at Watts Bay, north shore of Meta Incognita Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut. https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada
Canada and Geoscience
NRCAN – Geological Map of Canada https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/starweb/geoscan/servlet.starweb?path=geoscan/fulle.web&search1=R=208175 https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada
Professional Development
Geoscientists Canada – Garth Kirkham P.Geo delivering Short Course at RFG 2018, Vancouver.
NRCAN - Scientist travelling by snowmobile to sample sites located in the Tibbitt-to-Contwoyto winter road corridor. https://open.canada.ca/en/open-government-licence-canada
"I have come to understand that our professional associations will sustain excellence in our profession be it through ethical rules, continuous education requirements or the coaching of young people so they reach the full title. We must be proud of the road travelled and of our P.Geo. designation."
- Isabelle Cadieux, géo.